Corpus Juris Secundum
This LibTour on Corpus Juris Secundum, or CJS, which you can download here, was written by Kevin Baggett. Kevin is the Circulation Librarian at LSU Law and the author of the Louisiana Secondary Legal Resources CALI Lesson.
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This CALI LibTour covers a set of books called Corpus Juris Secundum, “CJSs” for short. CJSs are commonly used in first-year legal writing assignments. The articles read like the text of a book and footnotes in each article provide cites to U.S. federal and state court decisions. They are a secondary source, which means that they are not “the law”, but rather they discuss the law. CJSs cover over 400 alphabetically arranged topics.
You may have heard of the American Legal Reports. American Legal Reports provide more detailed information and analysis of a very specific legal topic, whereas CJS articles tend to be broader in scope. You may have also heard of another legal encyclopedia called American Jurisprudence. The major difference between the two encyclopedias is that the emphasis in CJS is on citing all relevant cases in point, whereas American Jurisprudence will cite only the landmark or major relevant cases.
The typical CJS article will contain a detailed outline. This is followed by a “treated elsewhere” section, which gives citations to other CJS articles. Each article is broken down into various sections, with each section receiving a few paragraphs length narrative, a West Key number entry, and many case notes.
CJSs are arranged topically, but also contain a multi-volume index and a table of cases to facilitate finding articles. Say, for instance, you had a client that was inquiring about inheritance rights of illegitimate children. You could read the spine labels to try and find an article on illegitimate children, but it would be best in this case to consult the index because there are no articles in CJS with that exact title. The index entry for illegitimate children gives you an article citation on the topic, Child sections 1-142. You would then pull the volume that contains the article, Volume 14 Cemeteries to Civil Rights, from the shelf and find a quick answer to your client’s question.
To highlight the subtle differences between the major legal encyclopedias, the article on illegitimate children in CJS is titled, “Children Out-of-Wedlock”, whereas the corresponding article in AmJur is titled, “Illegitimate Children.”
Ask your library if they have a set of CJSs in print. CJSs are also available on Westlaw. Entries in Westlaw are updated continually and the print versions are updated with pocket parts found in the back of each volume.